Pigeon courting is a fascinating world! After reaching sexual maturity around the 6–8 month mark, your pigeon will be seeking a mate and trying to woo them.

The list of potential mates is endless: it will very likely be another pigeon if there is one in close proximity (unless both pigeons are male, in which case bonding is unlikely, although could still happen), but it might also be a plushie, a reflection in the mirror, or even a particularly handsome croissant. However, if you and your pigeon are very close and spend a lot of time together, it’s quite likely that they will want to bond with you!

Bonding with your pigeon is a rewarding experience that will help you establish a deep relationship with your bird and make life easier for you and them both. You should be encouraging it unless you want your pigeon to bond with someone else instead—like another pigeon or someone else in your household.

Behaviors and Responses

<aside> 🏳️‍🌈 Pigeons are extremely fluid in their gender expression. A pigeon showing masculine or feminine behaviors doesn’t automatically make them a hen or cock! Masculine females and feminine males exist and are quite common; more fluid expression is most common in human social or imprinted pigeons. Knowing your pigeon’s gender can typically help explain some behaviors, but observing behaviors will not help you learn the gender.


Non-gendered Behaviors

Preening you: Trying to gently preen you, sometimes with little nips between preenings. Preens are very common even with birds who are not bonded to you as long as your relationship is friendly.

Proper response: Just allow it to happen. Your pigeon is being sweet and affectionate.


Preening themselves: Preening their chest and over their shoulder, looking at you. This can be mild flirting!

Proper response: Nod and, if your pigeon is receptive, gently pet their neck with your finger.

Asking for pets: Shoving their head under nest bedding (or under your hand or clothes) while loafed, wing twitching, and doing low repetitive coos.

Proper response: Give pets! Gentle scritches on the head or full body strokes down the body. Experiment and see what your pigeon likes the most.


Courtship nodding: Deep nods, often a bit faster on the way down with a slight pause at the 'bottom' point of the nod. Feel free to ask others for help spotting this, as learning it can take a little time.

Proper response: Nod back! You can nod with your hand or your head; experiment, as finding the “right” nod may take a while.


Masculine Behaviors

Driving: Randomly going up to you to bite you and drive you in a certain direction. Chasing your feet when you walk

Proper response: Allow yourself to be driven in the direction he seems to want you to go. Don’t fight back, let him feel strong. If it’s bothersome you can pick him up and put him up on something high.

Showing off: Spinning around and cooing. Note that this is highly contextual and can also be a defensive territorial behavior!

Proper response: If your pigeon doesn't seem to be defending a specific spot and is displaying to you, you should use an impressed, praising, “special voice” just for them. Nodding is also very important; nod to them just like in the “courtship nodding” response!
